Club Meetings and Luncheons
We hold our monthly club meetings on the 4th Tuesday of each month except August
and December. The August meeting is a club picnic and the December meeting is a Christmas party.
If you are a RVer and want to learn more about the club, come to a meeting and get to know us.
Fellow RVers are always welcome at meetings and luncheons. We have secured a great
meeting room for our meetings at:
Evergreen Bowling Alley, 5111 Claremont Way, Everett WA.
The business meeting and no host dinner will start at 5:30 PM.
Note: When the meeting date falls during a campout
we will hold the meeting at the campout.
In lieu of our August meeting we have a club picnic. As this years preparations are finalized,
we will post information on this site and details for club members in the club newsletter.
In lieu of our December meeting we have a club Christmas party. As this years preparations are
finalized, we will post information on this site and details for club members in the club newsletter.
The club will often organize a monthly luncheon as a way to keep in touch, especially in the winter
months when we do not have campouts. When a luncheon is planned, we will post information on
this site and in the club newsletter.